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EXACT SYSTEMS | MotoBarometer 2023: moods in the Automotive Industry in Europe

The 7th edition of the opinion poll of representatives of the automotive industry in Europe “MotoBarometer 2023

Exact Systems, 28-06-2023

What are the greatest problems related to employment in the automotive industry right now? In which year will the prices of EVs catch up with those of internal combustion engines? Will solutions based on artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, and the metaverse have a positive impact on the cars produced?

Exact Systems together with automotive representatives will soon try to answer these difficult questions.

The leader in quality control of automotive parts and one of the largest companies in the industry in Europe is conducting the 7th edition of the study “MotoBarometer 2023: moods in the automotive industry in Europe”. Last year, almost 1000 representatives of production plants from as many as 11 countries participated in the study: Poland, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Spain, the Netherlands, Germany, Slovakia, Romania, Hungary, Portugal and Turkey.

The aim of the study is to obtain information about the condition of the automotive industry, in particular about production, employment and prospects for automotive. The survey is anonymous and its results will be presented in aggregate form.

How to take part in the study?

All you need to do is complete a short online survey – it only takes a few minutes to answer. As a thank you for completing the questionnaire, all respondents will receive a full report with the results. The study will last until July 07 this year, and the report will be available this fall!

Link to the survey:

The previous editions of the “MotoBarometr” report can be downloaded from the website:


We invite you to participate in the survey!


Exact Systems is an international group that provides flexible solutions in the field of production, quality and logistics. The company’s offer is available in 13 countries where the group has its representative offices: Poland, the Czech Republic, Germany, Slovakia, Turkey, Romania, France, Hungary, Belgium, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain and China.

The group’s customers include companies from the automotive, electronics and household appliances, medical and cosmetic industries, as well as logistics centres, including those operating in the e-commerce space.

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