CLEPA | Advancing EU leadership towards climate-neutral mobility: New position paper on CO2 emission standards for heavy-duty vehicles

  • CLEPA supports the revision of CO2 emission standards for heavy-duty vehicles as part of the EU’s objective to reach climate neutrality by 2050
  • Technology diversity is essential for operators to select the ideal clean technology for specific use-cases, enabling a competitive and efficient freight transport sector
  • Ambitious CO2 targets require equally ambitious enabling conditions at both the EU and Member State level, necessitating substantial additional investments

in CLEPA, 29-06-2023

In June 2019, the European Union implemented its initial CO2 emission performance standards for heavy-duty vehicles (HDVs), marking a significant milestone. These standards aimed to achieve a 15% reduction in average CO2 emissions of newly registered HDVs in 2025 and a 30% reduction from 2030 onwards, compared to a baseline set in 2019/2020.

In addition to the EU’s ‘Fit for 55’ package of energy and climate legislation, the European Commission presented a legislative proposal for revised HDV CO2 emission performance standards on 14 February 2023. The proposal expands the scope to cover additional vehicle groups, sets more ambitious CO2 reduction target for 2030, and introduces new targets for 2035 and 2040.

HDVs play a vital role in the prosperity of the Single Market as well as local and regional economies. From medium-sized trailers to long-haul trucks, these vehicles have diverse use-cases, ranging from carrying heavy loads up mountains, to facilitating urban deliveries, requiring a variety of technology options that best fit the need.

CLEPA’s new position paper therefore underscores the importance of granting operators the flexibility to choose the preferred clean technology for specific use-cases, enabling a competitive and efficient transport sector. Battery-electric vehicles (BEVs), fuel-cell electric vehicles (FCEVs), H2-engine vehicles, and electrified trailers should all be classified as zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs) and treated as equally viable options for meeting future CO2 fleet standards. Additionally, the standards should incorporate a method to account for CO2 savings achieved through the use of low-carbon and carbon-neutral fuels, promoting the adoption of all valid technologies and maximising overall emission reduction.

CLEPA Secretary General, Benjamin Krieger, notes “The proposed CO2 emission standards for heavy-duty vehicles are an ambitious step towards achieving climate neutrality. To foster a successful transition, it is crucial to grant operators the flexibility to choose the most suitable clean technology for their specific needs. This will promote healthy competition and optimise transportation operations while enabling the adoption of all valid technologies and maximising overall emission reductions.”

Further, enabling conditions must be in place to achieve the proposed CO2 reduction targets for HDVs. The position highlights the need for robust measures at both the EU and Member State level to support the necessary investments in low and zero-emission vehicles. In particular, establishing adequate charging and refuelling infrastructure is essential. Without sufficient enabling conditions, even the existing CO2 reduction targets will be challenging to achieve. To meet the proposed targets for 2030, 2035, and 2040, substantial additional investments are required.

CLEPA emphasises the importance of regular assessment of enabling conditions and periodic evaluation of the legislation’s effectiveness. The paper recommends conducting the first review by 2027 to ensure timely adjustments if necessary.

The position paper also supports the inclusion of new vehicle groups in the proposed legislation. CLEPA endorses the rapid adoption of type-approval for electrified trailers and the swift incorporation of energy-efficient options for trailers into VECTO. Furthermore, the paper highlights the need for sufficient lead time and established annual reduction rates for newly included vehicle groups.


Download CLEPA’s position paper on CO2 emission standards for HDV



CLEPA | EU co-legislators reach agreement on the Data Act – a sector-specific legislation must now quickly follow

  • The Data Act agreement in trilogue is expected to allow third-parties to provide innovative services to the end user, but will need a complementary regulation that addresses the complexities of the deployment of data-based services in the auto sector
  • A prompt publication of the sector-specific proposal is necessary to improve competition, boost innovation capabilities, and protect consumer rights and choice

in CLEPA, 28-06-2023

Negotiators from the European Parliament and the Council of the EU reached an agreement last night on the Data Act legislation, which will regulate how data generated by connected objects can be accessed and shared.

Automotive technology is rapidly advancing, with vehicles generating and collecting ever greater quantities of data to operate and monitor systems. This data offers a huge potential to improve and develop new services for the benefit of consumers. However, automotive suppliers and other third-party service providers currently rely on the willingness and conditions of a limited group of market players to provide access to this data. Such a level of control on the market carries the risk of creating “gatekeepers,” with a detrimental effect on fair competition, innovation, and consumer choice. Both personal cars and commercials trucks are affected by this issue.

CLEPA, the European Association of Automotive Suppliers, welcomes the conclusion of the negotiations on the Data Act. The final agreement has yet to be reviewed in detail to assess the latest changes. Overall, CLEPA expects this horizontal legislation will be an important first step towards improving the situation by ensuring that third-parties can provide innovative services to the end user. Moreover, the association welcomes that this legislative text puts the consumer at the centre and imposes obligations on data holders.

Nevertheless, the Data Act alone will be insufficient to fully address the complexities of the deployment of data-based services in the automotive sector. Therefore, we strongly advocate for the swift publication of the proposal for a complementing sector-specific regulation, which is currently being drafted by the European Commission and has been publicly confirmed. The Parliament and Council made the Data Act a priority and managed to conclude complex discussions in a very short time period. We now call on the Commission to dedicate the same effort towards the sector-specific legislation and publish its proposal by the end of the summer.

“A prompt publication of the sector-specific proposal on access to in-vehicle data, functions, and resources by the Commission will contribute to improving competition, boosting innovation capabilities of thousands of automotive supply companies, and will protect consumer rights and choice,” says CLEPA’s Secretary General Benjamin Krieger. “The technical work and discussions behind this legislation have been going on for years. It is now time for the proposal to be finalised and published.”

Earlier this year, CLEPA published a position paper looking at the complexities of vehicle data services in the European mobility ecosystem. You can read it here.



CLEPA | Commission takes a step in the recognition of automotive suppliers’ contribution to sustainable economy

  • Climate Delegated Act incorporates the production of powertrain components including e-motors, power electronics, thermal management and braking systems in its definition of sustainable economic activities
  • Critical activities are still at risk of being overlooked by capital markets

in CLEPA, 14-06-2023

The European taxonomy regulation aims to direct investments towards sustainable commercial activities. This means that, over the coming years, the sustainability level of each business activity will influence its access to funding. On 13 June, the European Commission presented new proposals for delegated acts that amend and complement the classification scheme for sustainable business activities. CLEPA welcomes this initiative and sees the delegated acts as a step forward in the acknowledgment of automotive suppliers’ contribution to a sustainable economy and their role in the advancement of green mobility in the EU.

Originally, the taxonomy regulation did not recognise the economic activities related to the production of e-mobility components as ‘sustainable’, while the assembly of electric vehicles was considered as such. The proposed amendment to the Climate Delegated Act will recognise a significant share of the manufacturing of powertrain components, including power electronics, thermal management and braking components, as contributing to the environmental performance of the car, if installed in a zero-emission vehicle. For automotive suppliers, the delegated act marks a crucial first step to improve the level playing field and secure funding for critical supply chain elements and zero-emission mobility.

The circularity chapter of the Delegated Act on non-climate environmental objectives gives much-needed recognition to the sustainability contribution of some aftermarket-related activities, but so far excludes the design for circularity and remains ambiguous on remanufacturing actions by automotive suppliers. As a result, critical activities by automotive suppliers remain at risk of being overlooked by capital markets and could suffer from underinvestment. The use of low carbon/recovered materials, lightweighting, and product robustness should be considered in future revisions of the taxonomy.

In order to establish a fair and level playing field within the automotive sector, future improvements are needed. Many automotive supply companies continue to face unequal competition with OEMs, who can claim eligibility for the revenue generated by a sold vehicle whose value is generated by all components, while the manufacturing activities of a large share of these components remains non-eligible.

Unless Member states or the European Parliament object to the publication, the delegated acts will enter into force after a period of four months. CLEPA stands ready to support the European Commission in the development of a comprehensive pathway towards a fair taxonomy that effectively recognises the valuable contributions of all automotive suppliers in mitigating climate change, preventing pollution, and promoting circularity.




CLEPA endorses Euro 7 as key regulation for future air quality standards

  • Automotive suppliers support the further development of the type approval rules with the introduction of Euro 7, driven by a commitment to sustainable mobility, improved air quality and public health.
  • Key considerations regarding timing and both technical and economic feasibility need to be addressed to ensure the effective implementation of the new rules.
  • A swift adoption of the regulation is essential to provide predictability for industry and allow the early introduction of new requirements.

in CLEPA, 05-06-2023

The European Commission published the Euro 7 proposal with the aim of improving air quality and public health in the EU by reducing pollutant emissions coming from road transport. CLEPA, the European association of automotive suppliers, welcomes this initiative and recognises that the European Commission’s proposal makes a significant step towards higher ambition, offering potential for further reduction in the environmental impact of new vehicles on air quality.

“The European supply industry supports Euro 7 as an important tool to meet future air quality standards in Europe and at the same time secure high-quality technology standards in the EU. Euro 7 is feasible and affordable if certain safeguards are met,” explains CLEPA’s Secretary General Benjamin Krieger.

Specific considerations regarding timing and both technical and economic feasibility need to be addressed to ensure the effective implementation of the new rules. Key factors influencing the overall ambition of the new regulation are the specific technical parameters for vehicle testing, which need to ensure that testing is performed under realistic driving conditions and the exclusion of “biased driving”. CLEPA’s new position paper aims to provide a comprehensive assessment of the proposed regulation and offers recommendations to facilitate the advancement of sustainable mobility in Europe.

A swift adoption of the new rules, including implementing and delegated acts, within the current legislative period are critical to a successful implementation. “Most of the discussions are already underway but a timely adoption is crucial to provide predictability for industry and allow the early introduction of new requirements, which could be around mid-2026 for passenger cars,” says Benjamin Krieger.


Read CLEPA’s Position Paper on Euro 7




CLEPA | Fleet vehicles capture larger share of the EU aftermarket

  • Boston Consulting Group (BCG) and CLEPA have collaborated to identify Europe’s fleet aftermarket drivers towards 2030.
  • The fleet business is significantly growing, with Germany, France, United Kingdom, Netherlands, and Poland alone set to account for a fleet aftermarket size of €45 billion.
  • Market players aiming to thrive must prioritise EV-specific and cost-focused solutions, embrace enhanced connectivity and foster collaboration for maximum impact.

in CLEPA, 05-06-2023

CLEPA has teamed up with BCG to examine the role of fleets in the aftermarket by 2030. The findings of the new report identify the main fleet drivers in the European aftermarket, provide a forecast for the fleet market size within the total aftermarket and determine strategic recommendations for market players.

Results show that fleet vehicles are capturing a significant and rising share of the European aftermarket. Five countries alone (Germany, France, United Kingdom, Netherlands, and Poland) will account for a fleet aftermarket size of €45 billion in 2030 (~37% of the total aftermarket).

At the same time, fleets are also expected to have a significantly higher electrification rate (48%) with an average vehicle age of ~2.9 years by 2030. Frank Schlehuber, co-author and Senior Consultant Market Affairs at CLEPA states that: “Fleet vehicles are becoming increasingly relevant for the European aftermarket but competence on electric vehicles, especially for passenger cars and light commercial vehicles, will be key in gaining access to its service and maintenance business.”

The report offers a list of four strategic recommendations that aim to help aftermarket players prepare for developments, focusing on the importance of introducing EV-specific and cost-focused solutions, preparing for connectivity as well as ramping up collaboration with other aftermarket players.

Read the full report below

Download full report