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CLEPA | COP 21 for All

Today, governments of more than 190 countries are gathering in Paris for the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP21) to reach a universally-binding agreement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions worldwide.

in CLEPA, 30-11-2015

The conference is crucial because the expected new agreement on climate change aims to keep global warming below 2°C and, unlike the Kyoto protocol of 1992, will be applicable to all nations.

Aware of the challenges in the negotiations, CLEPA calls on international leaders to strive for an ambitious yet realistic and comprehensive solution that accelerates the transition to a low-carbon economy.

“In the area of sustainable mobility the automotive supplier industry is committed to turn political goals into reality, that is why policy makers in Paris must send clear messages which allow us to further invest in innovation and clean technologies”, said Mr Paul Schockmel, CLEPA CEO.

Fighting climate change and improving air quality are important objectives of the European automotive supply industry that develops a wide range of technologies for further CO2 emission reduction as well as enhanced energy efficiency. CLEPA members are thus committed to provide technology solutions that help nations to embrace climate change mitigation and adaption.

The transformation towards low-emission and climate-resilient economies should be coupled with a financial support and a predictable regulatory framework. An ambitious and dynamic climate agreement, applicable to all parties, should be evidence-based and set realistic targets that support technological neutrality and R&D.

Cooperation with non-state actors is crucial. Public authorities and industrial stakeholders should engage in a systematic and constructive dialogue. By enabling the participation of all parties and taking into account the commitment of industry and civil society in the framework of COP21, the ground is prepared for joint efforts to efficiently and effectively implement the measures of the agreement.

International, national and local authorities should bring their full support to investment in innovation for smart and sustainable mobility. Appropriate funds should be created to further reduce the environmental impact on road transport.

“European automotive suppliers will keep pushing technical boundaries in order to combine continuous reductions in CO2 emissions with customer benefits in terms of fuel economy. Digitalization of energy and transport will support connected and automated vehicles which will contribute to fight climate change”, said Mr Paul Schockmel, CLEPA CEO.

CLEPA is the European Association of Automotive Suppliers.

116 of the world’s most prominent suppliers for car parts, systems and modules and 23 National trade associations and European sector associations are members of CLEPA, representing more than 3 thousand companies, employing more than 5 million people and covering all products and services within the automotive supply chain.

Based in Brussels, Belgium, CLEPA is recognized as the natural discussion partner by the European Institutions, United Nations and fellow associations (ACEA, JAMA, MEMA, etc).

Facts about the European automotive industry

  • Some 12 million people are employed in the European automotive industry
  • European automotive suppliers directly employ 5 million people
  • European automotive suppliers invest €18bn in RDI per year. They are the biggest private investor into research and innovation
  • Per year, 18 million vehicles are manufactured in Europe, contributing to the stability and growth of the European economy

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